Monday, February 2, 2015

9 Ways to Improve and Speed Up Grading with Google Apps


  1. Hi Ben,
    I found your youtube tutorials on paperless grading and really loved the idea of "preferences with suggestions". I tested it with just one mistake and created a Google doc as a worksheet for students to go to and practice for that particular mistake. However, when I type in "s/v Subject/Verb agreement" and paste the link, it is not highlighted in a suggestion box the way hyperlink should be. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Ptaszak, does it turn into a hyperlink when it is added to the Google doc? It should. A couple of things, make sure the new shortcut is available by checking the box next to it (after you create it). I have also noticed that uppercase letters are changed to lower case letters. In this case, you may need to first make a bitly and then link to that bitly, which is linked to the webpage. I'm not sure I fully understand the problem. Feel free to record your problem and send me the youtube video. Thanks,
