Thursday, December 11, 2014

Automatically grade tests with Google Forms and Flubaroo.

Automatically grade tests with Google Forms and Flubaroo.  The following new topics are covered; limit test to one chance, randomize questions, and generate a short URL.  I also demonstrate an equation editor for adding math questions.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Best Tech Tools for Learning and Productivity

I presented this session at the Colorado Council on High School/College Relations conference.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Padlet is a website that allows teachers to back channel, brainstorm, collect, and share information with students.  It is very simple to use and allows text, images, movies, and files.  Think of it as a giant virtual bulletin board that allows teachers and students to pin anything they want to it.  Have a specific purpose in mind, such as organizing a to do list?  Simply, choose the TASK background or make your own background to organize the information.  Give it a try--I think you will love it!

Monday, November 17, 2014


Encourage engagement and participation by embedding questions into your presentations with